Diagnosztika - fogászati szűrés
Diagnostics, dental screening at our dental office in Budapest. Ideally, we would all visit a dental practice for screening every six months, which is necessary because one of the main characteristics of oral conditions is that they are usually easily recognizable and treatable; therefore most dental problems could be preventable through regular dental checkups. During checkups, the dentist might notice problems that don't yet cause symptoms but may require treatment. Conditions that only require minimal treatment at first, if not treated in time, may require much more expensive treatments later.
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Szájhigiénia - Fogkő eltávolítás
Why are oral hygiene treatments needed? In addition to home dental care, it is important to take advantage of professional opportunities in order to preserve the beauty of our smile and the health of our oral cavity. Professional oral hygiene treatments are performed by trained dental hygienists. During the oral hygiene treatment, the dental hygienist & oral hygienist completely cleans your teeth of plaque and tartar and then, as part of an oral hygiene consultation, explains how you can best care for your teeth in your daily life.
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Fogfehérítés - csillogóan fehér fogak
Teeth Whitening - Attractive White Teeth! Árkád Dental dentists will help you reach the desired appearance and locally handle all the dental abnormalities you suffer. Our dental service covers many different diseases. Come to us and discover all the services. Enjoy total dental, oral hygiene wellbeing at all stages of life.
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Esztétikai fogászati kezelések
Aesthetic treatments, well-groomed white teeth at Arkad Dental. We can give you the exact smile that you’ve always wanted! Cosmetic dental treatments! Have you tried it yet? A smile like you’ve never had!You couldn’t even imagine!
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Gyermekfogászat - a kicsik fogászati prevenciója
Pediatric dentistry is a science that deals with children's dental and oral diseases & preventions. Many people don't even know it, but the importance of pediatric dentistry is much greater than we might think at first, since pediatric dentistry treatments determines the child's relationship to oral health and dental treatment for the rest of his life.
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Konzerváló fogászat - Fogtömés
Conservative dental treatments. Dental caries are one of the most common dental problems
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Gyökérkezelés - Endodocia
Endodontics, ie root canal treatment, is a dental specialty aimed at preventing and treating diseases of the pulpitis and the tissues around the tooth root and treating their lesions. Endodontic interventions are therefore meant treatments involving gingival tissue.
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Oral surgery
In general, oral surgery deals with the treatment of lesions and diseases of the teeth, jaw bones and soft parts (salivary glands, gums, lips), but nowadays there are many overlaps with other sectors of dentistry. Thus, oral surgery performs a number of procedures, such as simple and surgical removal of teeth and tooth roots, root canal resection, removal of wisdom teeth, treatment of jaw fractures, accidental injuries, facial occlusion, treatment of oral tumors, dental implants, teeth replacements, salivary gland diseases.
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Implantológia - fogpótlás
If you have lost your teeth for some reason, you will experience the consequences. The implant is the most modern, most aesthetic and effective solution the tooth loss problem. Thanks to the implants, high-quality treatments are available that allow for quick and convenient restoration.
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Fogszabályozás - szabályos fogsor
The orthodontist corrects children and adults alike for the wrong position of the teeth change. It allows functional bite and aesthetic smile. Irregular dentures can be easily remedied! We invite you and your children to get to know a dentist our office, orthodontics and treatment!
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Parodontológia - fogágybetegség
Periodontology is a discipline dealing with periodontal diseases and diseases of the supporting tissues around the tooth. In the oral cavity, plaque is formed daily, which is deposited in the interdental spaces and along the gums, and after its long existence, it causes tissue damage and destruction.
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