Direct phone number of our clinic:
+36 20 249 6744If this number is busy please call our central reception number
+36 1 700 3930Address: 1106 Budapest, Örs vezér tere 25. III. em.
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Árkád Implant Center - Dental Practice
The Árkád Dentistry is waiting for you in a pleasant environment! We guarantee the quality of care! Our clinic is professionally trained and dedicated, demanding and enthusiastic professionals are waiting for you. We will do our best to meet your specific needs. Dentistry is safe and reliable. Contact us! You can leave the dentistry with pleasure!
Árkád Implant Center
Complete dental care / Full range of dental care
Árkád Implant Center
Special dental prices
20 000 HUF / 2 jaw
Fogkőeltávolítás, polírozás, szájhigéniás tanácsadás
49 900 HUF / 2 arch
Rendelői fogfehérítés
8 000 HUF / piece
Orthopantomogram - Panoráma röntgen
75 000 HUF / tooth
Metal ceramic crown
103 000 HUF / tooth
Zirconium crown
195 000 HUF / arch
Removable denture
Our prices
Árkád Implant Center
Our dentists

Dr. Tóth KataDentist

Dr. Tejeda Tamás MárkDentist

Dr. Kalmár ZsanettGyökérkezelés specialista

Dr. Moldován AntalSzájsebész Szakorvos

Dr. Patai BlankaFogorvos
Our dentists